D.A.R.E. America Youth Advocacy Board Member for Virginia

As a child, I remember taking D.A.R.E in 5th grade and how much fun it was. The program taught me about being safe and avoiding dangerous substances. With the opportunity to contribute as a member of the D.A.R.E Youth Advocacy Board, I cannot wait to spread awareness about the hazards of drug and alcohol abuse throughout the community.
I am thrilled to be a part of this organization and hope to make a meaningful difference in our community!
1. The process to select a state’s representative to the D.A.R.E. America/International Youth
Advocacy Board begins when D.A.R.E. America posts on the D.A.R.E. America/International YAB
website page (https://dare.org/d-a-r-e-youth-advocacy-board/) a list of current and upcoming
YAB vacancies to be filled by June 15th. The vacancies listed will be the result of either an
incumbent YAB’s upcoming/or recent graduation from high school, or the carryover of an
unfilled vacancy.
2. Only applicants who meet the qualification requirements outlined under “Selection Guidelines &
Responsibilities” https://dare.org/d-a-r-e-youth-advocacy-board/ and adhere to application
submission process guidelines will be considered eligible to become a YAB.
3. Applications may be initiated/submitted by any of the following individuals/organizations:
✓ The staff of D.A.R.E. America/International
✓ By a state’s sitting YAB member who is graduating and leaving the board
✓ By the student seeking selection
✓ By a D.A.R.E. officer who recommends the candidate
✓ By a teacher or school official (e.g. principal, counselor, etc.)
✓ As a recommendation by the respective State Training Coordinator
✓ As a recommendation by the respective state D.A.R.E. Officers Association
✓ As a recommendation by a member of the student’s community
4. All application submissions, and related documents, must be received by D.A.R.E. America no
later than May 15th of the concerned year if submitted electronically or postmarked by this date
if sent via non-electronic delivery. Applications received outside of these criteria, will not be
5. All materials submitted shall become the property of D.A.R.E. America/International and shall
not be returned to the party submitting the material.
6. The respective Regional Director will send an email to the State Training Coordinators and state
D.A.R.E. officer associations three months and one month prior to May 15th reminding them of
the deadline for submission of applications. Regional Directors will follow-up by telephone with
each of these respective individuals monthly to remind them of the deadline.
7. Final selection of each YAB will be made after May 15th but no later than June 15th and is the
sole decision of D.A.R.E. America/International. Selection will be based upon several factors
including the candidate’s qualifications, an assessment of his/her ability to meet the
responsibilities, and capacity to conduct and complete a project.
8. Notification of selection or non-selection shall be made to the sole individual identified as the
primary contact along with the State Training Coordinator and Regional Director.